Acid Erosion - What Is It?

2 min read

Refers to a situation where prolonged or frequent exposure of teeth to ‘acidic substances’ eg. Foods, drinks, stomach acid etc. results in the loss of the natural tooth structure (enamel, dentine, pulp, cementum).

There are several different sources of acid, both ‘internal’ and ‘external’ which teeth can be exposed to. Increased ‘frequency’ as well as ‘duration’ of exposure results in more noted loss of tooth structure.

As the outer layers of teeth are worn away it exposes the “softer” inner areas of the teeth eg. Dentine, pulp, cementum. These layers in turn are prone to ‘faster’ rates of acid erosion as well as ‘wear and tear’, which can result in a variety of symptoms eg. Sensitivity, pain, physical wear etc.

To help address this issue it is important for you and your Dentist to first identify the ‘source’ of acid attack. Depending on the source there may be steps that can be taken to help eliminate or reduce this source of acid. Alternatively, if the source of acid is unable to be removed eg. Internal factors, frequent component of diet etc. then other steps may be taken to help minimize and manage the damage resulting from the acid exposure.

If you suspect that your teeth may be subject to ‘dental erosion’ then please feel free to contact Crown Dental Surgery located in Chatswood, NSW 2067.

You can contact us today on (02) 9090 2059 to arrange a consultation to allow us to assess whether you have ‘acid erosion’ in addition to ways in which it can be managed.